Saturday, April 30, 2011

Give way, please!

Today I had to do the grocery with mom. Talk about mom, I love doing it with her aaall the time. But today I was pissed off. I wonder why there are a lot of people at the grocery store. Tell me people, is there a food crisis going on? Ooooh it’s SALE, okay. Being over crowded is not the reason why I’m pissed. It’s the consumers that made the grocery store more populated! My goodness!!

First, a supposed to be one lane turned out to be two lanes.
As the shopping cart driver, I followed mom as she chose the goods listed in her…memory. And this woman with an empty shopping cart stops in my front right side, in short blocking my way. I waited for I think it’ll only take her just a second while gazing at the items she wished to buy for. And as I said it’s a one lane though it can be two but hey I don’t want to bump on someone’s shopping cart okay. I waited and still looking stupid. SIGH. Forgive me but what the heck. Hello? There’s a heavy traffic behind you, mind if you give way to us? I wanted to keep my temper cool so I, Pulchri, a good girl excuse herself as she cautiously forced to fit in her cart in the lane because she will lose track of her mom which she successfully did. “I’m such a good shopping cart driver”
Second and for the record another same instance!
Again a woman with her shopping cart looking for a snack as she turns her head left and right and I know she can see me in her peripheral view waiting for her to move. She was in still motion. SIGH. If only I can do monkey dance Dancing monkey that’d probably her peripheral vision notice me and makes her think wtf is this person doing? Turns her back and then **runs away that would gave me the chance to keep track with my mom however that’s not my fate today.
Now I felt sorry. I don’t want to be pissed again by this simple, very simple unpleasant scenario at the grocery. Please be sensitive to others feelings especially its summer and people are hot in the outside (yes there are a lot of hot guys out there) and in the inside (short tempered). Now, tips for grocery shopping: (a) Always make a grocery list whether it’s placed in the paper, iPod/phone, or in your long term memory please bring it with you to avoid bumper to bumper traffic like THIS. You wouldn’t like that, right? (b) Be aware of the people around you, you may not notice that you’re already blocking someone’s way so better give way to avoid unnecessary argument. (c) Respect, that wouldn’t be out in the list.

Enjoy your shopping!

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